Author: win
Second Post
Me talking to Matt an ex cult member about my Blog
My First Post
( the latest time or date by which something should be completed )
So this is my first post, or is it? Originally it was supposed to be of the video variety,
but due to my technical shortcomings that is not to be. Sharing my life and talents
is a daunting task, one that I would not have chosen but destiny has forced upon me.
Why are you being so cryptic you ask?
Firstly I’m shit at expressing myself via the written word.
Secondly I have no earthly idea how to go about it!
That is the beauty and terror of a deadline. One must produce, whether one has any
idea or not what the fuck one is doing.
Wow see how “fuck” so quickly appeared, (and shit too) I am now getting a sense of how this “could
play out” (directly ripped off from an on air drug commercial)
This is beginning to feel like fun.
It’s like the last scene of “The Incredible Shrinking Man”, one of my favorite movies, when the
hero who is small enough to battle with spiders and is still shrinking says “And I felt my body dwindling, melting, becoming nothing. My fears melted away and in their place came acceptance.”
I feel the challenge I’m taking on is becoming exciting. Will anybody ever hear these words for example.
So to the faceless people that are reading this (or not) I’m excited to see where this madness ends, how this blog and
web page will develop. All I know is that I want to spread love, truth and hopefully humor to this wonderful planet that
I call home.
That’s all I’ve got for now, so I will leave you with my love and the entire final monologue of the aforementioned movie:
“This was the prize I had won. (he’s talking about the cheese) I approached it in an ecstasy of elation. I had conquered. I lived. But even as I touched the dry, flaking crumbs of nourishment it was as if my body had ceased to exist. There was no hunger. No longer the terrible fear of shrinking. Again I had the sensation of instinct. Of each movement, each thought tuned to some great directing force.”
“I was continuing to shrink, to become… What? The infinitesimal? What was I? Still a human being? Or was I the man of the future? If there were other bursts of radiation, other clouds drifting across seas and continents, would other beings follow me into this vast new world? So close, the infinitesimal and the infinite. But suddenly I knew they were really the two ends of the same concept. The unbelievably small and the unbelievably vast eventually meet, like the closing of a gigantic circle. I looked up, as if somehow I would grasp the heavens, the universe, worlds beyond number. God’s silver tapestry spread across the night. And in that moment I knew the answer to the riddle of the infinite. I had thought in terms of Man’s own limited dimension. I had presumed upon Nature. That existence begins and ends is Man’s conception, not Nature’s. And I felt my body dwindling, melting, becoming nothing. My fears melted away and in their place came acceptance. All this vast majesty of creation, it had to mean something. And then I meant something too. Yes, smaller than the smallest, I meant something too. To God, there is no zero.”
“I still exist.”